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The calculation formula of the power required for water heating

Time:2023-03-23 17:17:30       Page view:

Pt=cmTSpecific heat capacity formula :Pt=cmT

Question: How long does it take to heat 200KG of water from 10 degrees to 75 degrees with a 1500W heating tube?

Calculation: where P represents the power of the heating tube, unit W;

t represents the required time, in seconds;

c is the specific heat capacity of water, the value is 4200J/(kg·℃);

m is the mass of water, unit kg;

T represents the change in temperature in degrees Celsius.

Calculation formula: specific heat capacity of water (4200) * mass of water (200) * changing temperature (65) = heating tube power (1500W) * required time (X), X=36400 seconds =607 minutes =11 hours

It can be concluded that 200KG of water, heating from 10 degrees to 75 degrees, with a 1500W heating tube, takes 11 hours

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