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Heating principle of single head electric heat pipe

Time:2022-11-02 13:55:29       Page view:

     Due to the differences at home and abroad, the name of the single-head electric heating tube is also different, (single head) or (bomb tube). In the late 1990s, because the electric heat pipe is widely used in China, the shape of the electric heat pipe is also very diverse, and the electric heat pipe used in the mold with one end of the wire is called a single head electric heat pipe in southern China. In foreign countries, it is called a cartridge heater, which is also a kind of image name, because the shell of the cartridge is cylindrical, and a head is blocked, and China is called a single-head heating tube. Compared with the double-headed electric heat pipe, the single-headed electric heat pipe is wired from one end, and the star connection method is generally adopted. Single-head electric heat pipe is generally used for mold heating or air dry burning, mainly the mold heating single-head electric heat pipe, directly into the drilling of the mold, the outlet end is fixed with a gasket to prevent the electric heat pipe from moving.

       It should be noted that the production of single-head electric heating tube should consider the combination of pipe diameter and template aperture, the electric heat tube diameter is too large, resulting in the electric heat tube can not be loaded into the hole, and consider the expansion factor of the tube after heating, which brings inconvenience to later maintenance; In addition, it is necessary to consider that the diameter of the pipe can not be too small, and the vacancy between the hole wall can not be reserved too large, which affects the heat transfer effect and service life of the electric heat pipe. More to consider the size of the power of the single-head electric heating tube and the size of the voltage.
The heating tube is a metal tube with a resistance wire inside, and the electric furnace wire is the same.
The heating principle of the single-head electric heating tube: the current generates heat through the resistance.
According to the law of electric heating, the heat generated is proportional to the product of the square of the current and the resistance.
Electric current thermal effect principle: electrons are accelerated in the electric field, gain kinetic energy, have speed, and then collide with other particles (atoms, molecules, atomic groups) to make other particles gain kinetic energy, resulting in an increase in average kinetic energy and an increase in temperature.
The heating principle of single-head electric heating tube is mainly through the internal resistance wire through the current heating, in the case of fixed voltage, the larger the resistance value, the smaller the power; The smaller the resistance, the greater the power. Is the use of small resistance wire can be more cost-effective and greater improvement in thermal efficiency? The answer is no, usually the larger the resistance, the smaller the wire diameter of the resistance wire, the case of fixed voltage, the larger the current through the resistance wire, when the current exceeds the load of the resistance wire is prone to fracture and damage, so the resistance of the electric tube is not the bigger the better, should be in accordance with the actual situation and ensure normal use of the appropriate resistance wire.

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